the booty



too much excitement.
these are about all I got.
we had a fancy Christmas dinner on Christmas eve. we watched the Luke 2 nativity video, and many others all week. and Esther had a sing along at school complete with an appearance by Rudolph, frosty, and of course Santa. Leah was upset that we left without getting her presents from Santa. sorry Leah not every Santa has presents.
On Christmas day we opened presents and the kids as far as I can tell ate pretty much only candy all day. Andy has been home the whole week and it has been awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to have a hard week with him gone again. I really like him.
we all got stuff, and the kids were pretty proud of the fish windsocks they made for dad's boat. (another thing I have have not got a pic of) they kept it a secret too which really impressed me. I think Esther loved having a secret. It sure is fun giving things to people. and even more fun to make them.
kids sure like Christmas.
Happy new year.
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