well I did it I had another one. ( I am feeling a little to selfish to let Andy have any credit yet)
Bonnie Ruth (we will Call her Ruth) Fielding
Born March 19, 2010
6lbs. 11 oz.
20 inches
here she is:

and here is the best picture we could manage after... I have really cool hair, but it looks like that sometimes on regular days too.

I will add some more when I can sit at the computer for more than a few minutes.
and for anyone who wants to know (by that I mean girls this is a bit detailed) here is my latest story...
I woke up at about 6:00 in the morning feeling some bothersome contractions that were very much like the ones I have had for the last couple weeks. and I told Andy I might be in Labor. following that we had an hour or two of getting ready, and deliberating if he should go to work and (thankfully) we decided that we would drive all together to his work and he would put some stuff together to take home, then if it wasn't we would go to lunch and hang out. we wandered over to the library got some movies... (our usual Friday ritual) so I entertained the kids in Andy's Lab for an hour, and freaked out a couple people by telling them that I was probably having a baby. at which point I decided I was probably in labor because it had not gone away yet. and was getting a little stronger. so we dropped of the kids, and headed for the hospital (which takes a while here) and we wandered in and went to the desk of labor and delivery and told them I needed to check in. they sent me to "assessment" where they informed me that I was dilated to a 7 (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!) at which point I decided maybe it hurt worse than I thought, and I quit trying to be tough. the nurse (to whom I explained that I was probably pretty much done ) was awesome, and she grabbed some friends and an anesthesiologist because I told them to get me drugs now. and they rushed me to to the delivery room, and checked me in at the same time, and then I got and ITN which is a local they put in the back that does not need nearly as much work as an epidural. which lasts an hour or 2 it is now my poison of choice. and they got it in as quick as possible, it slowed things down enough for my doctor to make the trek to the hospital, and he came and we hung out, I pushed a little and that was that. it was even easier than last time. for which I am very grateful. and now I understand how people have babies in cars.
for the road, our pile of girls.

Bonnie Ruth (we will Call her Ruth) Fielding
Born March 19, 2010
6lbs. 11 oz.
20 inches
here she is:

and here is the best picture we could manage after... I have really cool hair, but it looks like that sometimes on regular days too.

I will add some more when I can sit at the computer for more than a few minutes.
and for anyone who wants to know (by that I mean girls this is a bit detailed) here is my latest story...
I woke up at about 6:00 in the morning feeling some bothersome contractions that were very much like the ones I have had for the last couple weeks. and I told Andy I might be in Labor. following that we had an hour or two of getting ready, and deliberating if he should go to work and (thankfully) we decided that we would drive all together to his work and he would put some stuff together to take home, then if it wasn't we would go to lunch and hang out. we wandered over to the library got some movies... (our usual Friday ritual) so I entertained the kids in Andy's Lab for an hour, and freaked out a couple people by telling them that I was probably having a baby. at which point I decided I was probably in labor because it had not gone away yet. and was getting a little stronger. so we dropped of the kids, and headed for the hospital (which takes a while here) and we wandered in and went to the desk of labor and delivery and told them I needed to check in. they sent me to "assessment" where they informed me that I was dilated to a 7 (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!) at which point I decided maybe it hurt worse than I thought, and I quit trying to be tough. the nurse (to whom I explained that I was probably pretty much done ) was awesome, and she grabbed some friends and an anesthesiologist because I told them to get me drugs now. and they rushed me to to the delivery room, and checked me in at the same time, and then I got and ITN which is a local they put in the back that does not need nearly as much work as an epidural. which lasts an hour or 2 it is now my poison of choice. and they got it in as quick as possible, it slowed things down enough for my doctor to make the trek to the hospital, and he came and we hung out, I pushed a little and that was that. it was even easier than last time. for which I am very grateful. and now I understand how people have babies in cars.
for the road, our pile of girls.

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